
Pixelate Image Online


Pixelator: Simplest Image tool to get your project done fast!

Imgtools.net image pixelator grants you the opportunity to alter your images into fanciful pixel artistic expression. The Pixelator tool enables a smart conversion of Images into pixel arts of any format. 

How does images.tools pixelator work?

With images.tools pixelator, you do not need to do any lengthy processing. All that is needed is the uploading of images, selecting size, zooming and color mode. Simply put, follow this steps below;

Step 1: Upload the image on imgtool.net button provided on the website. Select and image your file and drop into the box. The good thing is that there are no ads or pop ups  to distort this simple process.

Step 2: After uploading your image, this second box shows you how to choose your pixel size. So, you are free to choose the most suitable size to get your image pixelated.

Step 3: This third stage is tagged, “Zoom”. You can select the number to zoom your image. 

Step 4: This is the stage where you can select between the first color and joint color from the box. After this, your image is pixelated and ready to be downloaded to your device. 

Step 5: Download the pixelated image to your chosen device. 

What images.tools pixelator is good for?

Pixelator is a great tool for creating amazing pixel art. Although, pixelating can be an arduous task if you don’t know the right tool to use. However, images.tools provides the best to work with even at the shortest timeline or deadline. It gives you quality images after using the pixelator tool on the website. You can convert images using this tool to create lots of content without wasting any time. It doesn’t matter if you have an advanced pixelator as images.tools can cater to your needs. 

Do I need any form of pre-processing/post processing when using images.tools?

Not at all. Just follow the simple stages provided on the website and you will get your desired results. There is no need for any post processing even if you might not get 100% accuracy. Well, for pre-processing, you will need images with clean outlines without any backgrounds to use the pixelator. Imgtools.net gives you the best in terms of images pixelation at any time.

Use the pixelator Now!

Open your images.tools to use the pixelator. The website is available whenever you need it.

Frequently Asked Questions 

What is pixelator or pixelation?

To have a deeper knowledge of this tool, you should know that pixels are combined to derive the digital images seen. Pixels are the lowest aspects of saturation, light and hue which forms the grid in images. 

How does pixelation occur?

Pixelation occurs through the visibility of pixel exposure to the eye instead of it blending. But you can get awesome images using the pixelated tool on imgtool.net.  

How do I use the pixelator to add effects on images?

The pixelator is a good tool to add effects to images. It can be used to obscure people’s faces, to add great effects to a logo or other images.